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Movie (1977)

Charles Bronson (Maj. Grigori Borzov)
Lee Remick (Barbara)
Donald Pleasence (Nicolai Dalchimsky)
Tyne Daly (Dorothy Putterman)
Alan Badel (Col. Malchenko)
Patrick Magee (Gen. Strelsky)

Soviet KGB agent Grigori Borzov is assigned to stop Nicolai Dalchimsky, a rogue Stalinist opposed to peace talks between Russia and the United States, from implementing a fiendish plan to "activate" brainwashed Soviet deep cover agents in the US via the telephone.

Bell 206 JetRanger

Helicopter belonging to Carl Hassler, one of the brainwashed Soviet agents. He tries to use it to do a suicide attack against a US Navy radar installation, but is blown out of the sky. Registration N401BG.


Aérospatiale Alouette II

"Soviet" helicopter which flies Malchenko to recruit Borzov.


Learjet 24

Private plane rented by Borzov and his American contact, Barbara. It flies them to Texas.